Sunday, May 1, 2011

April Showers Bring....

As I follow Facebook commentaries on this lovely Spring day, and watch the snowflakes and gusty winds that usher in May, I personally chose to take a mental day on the 40 mile bike ride on my training calendar. Tomorrow I'll be back in full swing, looking to take the hills again at 40 plus miles per hour on my bike!

Today was a good day to hunker down and frontload on this week's tasks. Fortunately, one of the tasks for today is to plant some green stuff! First, I sent Princess off to collect the marigolds she planted at school with Hubby. These already needed a larger container. Second, I sent Little Man off to collect his 5 bean seeds, two sunflower seeds, and 4 small pots. The kids scooped the potting soil from the bag to their small pots. Princess gently filled in more dirt as she transplanted her marigolds. Little man measured on his finger how far into the soil he should press his 5 bean and 2 sunflower seeds. That complete, he covered the raw seeds with a light blanket of aromatic soil.

We weren't done yet. Both children brought Arbor Day trees home from school on Friday. These absolutely needed to be planted outside, but we were really worried we would lose them once we planted them--unfortunately, it's happened before. For this reason, we now have two new trees decorating the two urns on either side of the front of our garage.

Happy May Day! Princess and Little Man got to play in the dirt, and I got to use the new Hori Hori Hubby surprised me with. (I LOVE my Hori Hori!...Oh yeah, and Hubby, too!)

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