Saturday, February 19, 2011

Little Man, Hubby, and Princess

Little Man wants to do a triathlon. So when I told him that I was going to run outside today, he offered to run with me...We met in the middle, and Little Man settled for riding his bike while I ran.

Embracing the entire process of proper training, Little man and I started with a bit of stretching. Sitting side by side, Little Man executed the stretches as I demonstrated them.  After a few really good warm-up stretches, we got to the gloriously challenging modified hurdle stretch. For this stretch, the stretcher (Little Man) sits down, extends one leg straight in front and tucks the other leg in to form the shape of a capital "L". Demonstrating this stretch for my favorite little man athlete, I explained that once the stretcher (Little Man) is in position, the goal is to reach for the big toe and then hold the stretch. 

Little Man stretched and stretched, and his knee raised itself northward like a small mountain. But he still couldn't find his big toe.  At that point I decided to again meet him in the middle. "Reach for your sock", I told him.

Again, Little Man stretched, and stretched, and his knee raised itself northward like a smaller foot hill-But still could not make contact with the topmost edge of his sock.

Combatting frustration with thought, Little Man took a brief time out. His eyes squinched up, and his brows knit together. Then, an idea struck him. Without another word, Little man assumed the position with his knee enormously bent, and his eyes focused on the prize. Reaching determinedly toward his sock, Little Man confidently grabbed the top, pulled it up to his knee, straightened his leg, and beamed all of his Little Man teeth brilliantly in my direction.

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