Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Princess, Little Man, and Hubby

Princess and I were relaxing recently, discussing girlie-girl things. Soon enough, Princess wanted to know why she didn't get to stay home from school for Valentines Day. Before my brain could catch up to my mouth, I responded, "Because Valentines Day is a fabricated holiday created by Hallmark to sell cards." Before too much damage was done, my brain and my mouth did meet. Shifting gears, I said, "Because Valentines Day is a special day when you can celebrate with your friends. That's why you want to go to school that day."

Giving myself a mental pat on the back, I reminded myself that 7 year olds don't really care whether holidays are fabricated or not. They mostly want to play with their friends and have fun. This was one of those moments when as a parent, I could appreciate just how small and safe Princess' world really is.

Her next question, however, felt like a punch in the stomach. Innocently, she asked, "Mommy, why don't Grandma and Grandpa from Wisconsin come and visit us anymore. Can they come for Easter?"

At this point, I realized that I could either brush the ugly answers under the rug and preserve the delicate balance of her safe world, or I could force my innocent little Princess a bit further into the bigger, more dangerous world that I want so badly to protect her from.

I did take that step, pushing Princess a step closer to that dangerous world. Princess needs to learn about and understand such ugliness as she's ready, and in that safe environment where she can both learn and be safe. Being the resiliant little one that she is, our conversation moved on to prettier girlie-girl topics. Within minutes, Princess' world was small and safe again.

I, however, haven't bounced back so quickly. I know I did the right thing; I know Princess is safe; I resent the fact that the ugliness of life has to touch one so small and innocent. In writing about this now, I'm hoping that I can find some closure and be ready for the next time the "real world" touches my safe, happy children.

1 comment:

E said...

Ironic. Just had a similar conversation. With a few twists of course. You did the correct thing. Great job.