Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Today, I made endorphins...

After my first real interval training in about ten years, I actually feel pretty good. The workout consisted of a .5 mile warm-up, 5x400@ 5K race pace/7:30 mph, and a .5 mile cool down. I was a little nervous about the speed work, but the first 400 interval was the toughest.

As I seek endorphins, I also seek positive aspects to treadmill training.  Treadmill training will teach me exactly what speed is what. By the time I can get outside without getting frostbite, I should be able to rely on my own internal pace-o-meter.  Another benefit is that I cannot possibly fall off the treadmill due to destractability. I had forgotten how focused these workouts have to be. By zoning in on the training at hand, everything else goes away for the duration of the exercise, which will definitely come in handy during races.

On a more health conscious note (no, I avoided the chocolate cake for breakfast!) I took the time today to go see my favorite Chiropractor ( Doc Sara has worked with Olympic Athletes, keeps current on beneficial techniques like Graston, and enjoys working with not only athletes, but women and children also. Today, Doc Sara performed the Graston technique on my neck. She has also worked on my IT band using the same technique in the past. In many aspects, I prefer Graston to other more traditional techniques. Have you ever had your IT Band stripped? I find it to be an uncomfortable experience to put it mildly. With Graston, the tools used help Doc Sara better address such issues with less discomfort. Today's session was equally satisfying. I left Dr. Sara's office feeling much better.

Tomorrow's training session is much intense with a three mile run and some weights!

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