Thursday, January 27, 2011

Meet Princess, Little Man, and Hubby

As a good friend pointed out recently, this is turning into a training journal, which is extrememly limited. Besides, I'm pretty sure it'll get pretty old if you have to read about sweaty people doing painful things all the time.

Today, I want to take an opportunity to write on a subject I have never written about: Princess, Little Man, and Hubby. Let's start with Princess.

Princess made it to dance class this week for the very first time. Class actually started last week, but we couldn't find it. We had all of the necessary information--except for location. Princess and I went to the middle school, the high school, the elementary school, and back to the middle school. I ended up taking my disappointed Princess home and stuffing her with rainbow sherbert.

After another long week of anticipation for both of us, on Tuesday night we finally made it to class in the middle school cafeteria...Who'd a known? After about two seconds of shyness, Princess jumped into the social life of dance. She smiled the entire time, and it was really fun to see her having bucket loads of fun in a social setting. I am pretty sure we'll be back next Tuesday; Princess liked dancing in a circle to the Little Mermaid theme song the best. We have 16 weeks and one performance to go. Princess is finally happy, and I get to see her hair pulled off her face for at least one hour each week...Priceless!

If you're a parent, want to be a parent, or remember funny stories from your childhood, I invite you to share them. Or, if you too have experienced that natural phenomenon that happens when you become parents and are magically expected to know things, what was your experience?  What's your story?

Oh yeah...

1.27.2011 Training update:
3 mile slow run
Weights with some increases

And, I finally broke down and ate the rest of the cake. Sorry Princess, Little Man, and Hubby! Could I possibly argue that Cake Loading falls safely under the umbrella of Carbo Loading? Food for thought...

1 comment:

E said...

It's ALWAYS about the little princesses in our lives!